As of December 5, 2022

The following speakers are listed alphabetically by last name.

Kelly Adams-Smith
Chargé d'Affaires
U.S. Mission to the European Union


Roberto Adinolfi
Chairman of the Board, ANSALDO Nucleare Spa 
Chairman of the Board, ANSALDO Nuclear Ltd 

Eetu Ahonen
Program Manager

Carol Berrigan
Executive Director of Federal Programs and Supplier Relations 
Nuclear Energy Institute

Ana Birchall
Special Envoy for Strategic and International Affairs 


Shannon Bragg- Sitton, Ph.D.
Director, Integrated Energy & Storage Systems 
Idaho National Laboratory  

Sylvie Cadet-Mercier
Commissioner, French
Nuclear Safety Authority

Professor Leon Cizelj
President of ENS
Former President of ENEN

Yves Desbazeille
Director General
Nuclear Europe


Tomáš Ehler
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade
Czech Republic 

Keith Everhart
Energy Analyst – Renewables Integration and Secure Electricity
International Energy Agency 

Diane Farrell
Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade
International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

Ann K. Ganzer
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
U.S. Department of State


Mike Goff
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Designate
U.S. Department of Energy

 Alireza Haghighat
Professor and Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Department
Virginia Tech

Donald Hoffman
President and CEO
Excel Corporation 

Silvana Jirotková 
Project Manager, Development of Small Modular Reactors, New Energy Division
ČEZ, a. s.


Rafal Kasprow
Orlen Synthos Green Energy

Mike Kirst
Managing Director 
EuroAtlantic Partners

Štěpán Kochánek
Head of the Legal Department
State Office for Nuclear Safety,
Czech Republic

Carl B. Kress
Regional Director, Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East & North Africa
U.S. Trade and Development Agency


Michael Lally
Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs in Europe
U.S. Mission to the European Union

Petr Mach
Director of ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA Division, ÚJV Řež
Czech Republic

Sydney McNiff Johnson
Galena Strategies LLC

Mark Muldowney
Managing Director, Low Carbon Transition Group
BNP Paribas


Paul Murphy 
Managing Director
Murphy Energy & Infrastructure Consulting, LLC

Petr Oliva
Head of the Coal Platform Department
Moravian-Silesian Energy Centre 

Kenneth L. Peddicord
Director, Nuclear Power Institute Professor of Nuclear Engineering
Texas A&M University

Berta Picamal
Legal and International Relations Director


Elena Popescu
Director General
Directorate General Energy Policies and Green Deal 
Ministry of Energy Romania  

Jan Prášil
Director of Strategy, Research, and International Cooperation Ministry of Industry and Trade
Czech Republic

Ben Reinke
Senior Director
Corporate Strategy 

Véronique Rouyer
Head of Division of Nuclear Safety Technology and Regulation 
Nuclear Energy Agency 


Radek Skoda
Czech Technical
University – Prague

Devon Swezey
Senior Lead, Global Energy Markets and Policy 

Sylvain Takenouti
New Reactors Program Manager

Robert Taylor
Deputy Office Director for New Reactors Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Anicet Touré
Project Director SMRs 
Tractebel ENGIE 

Lindsey Walter
Director for the Climate and Energy Program 
Third Way